Cruella (2021)

★★★★★ Watched 24 Oct, 2021

I went in basically fresh since I didn’t even recall watching the trailer and was pleasantly surprised on multiple levels. For a Disney production it is quite dark and quirky with one scene at the cliff that completely took me by surprise. Even though it still fits the Disney formula.

Further the story progressed, my enjoyment deepened with almost every scene. I loved the nuanced performances that ranged from comedic to dramatic and back again. The period setting of 70s London fits perfectly with the heist and fashion genre blend with a dash of revenge plot. The scenography (especially costumes, makeup and music) are superb underlined beautifully with elegant editing and dynamic cinematography. Last but not least the acting by the two main adversaries is a joy to observe. They both completely dedicated themselves to their characters and owned the extravagant costumes.

Not reading up about the production I don’t know if this origin story is meant as a reboot or is it supposed to lead into the previous movie or the classic animated film One Hundred and One Dalmatians. Because the only thing that bothered me was the change of Roger’s appearance and backstory as well as the Darling’s ethnicity. If it is a reboot, then I have no problem since it has became a norm to change the gender and racial background in the spirit of inclusivity and diversity, which has been a long way coming and it has been making the movie landscape considerably richer and more interesting.

While watching the movie I did get an itch to rewatch the animated classic, but I forgot about the two previous live action adaptations with Glen Close in the role of Cruella. The ending perfectly sets up the sequel which is in preproduction and I can’t wait to see how they will reinvent the classic story of kidnapping 101 Dalmatians.

Generally, since I have not yet seen them all, l’m not a fan of latest trend remaking Disney’s animated classics as live action films heavily wrapped in the latest CGI visual effects. I do like the live action origin stories of the villains like Maleficent and now Cruella.

Source: Letterboxd
Info: IMDb

10 thoughts on “Cruella (2021)

    1. Yeah it’s strange how that happens sometimes. One time timing is off because something in your life put you in a certain mood or like you said having certain expectations which then colors your experience. Then you might give a movie another chance years down the road and you love it. Or hate it even more! 😅

      Liked by 1 person

      1. So true!
        This very thing has happened to me with a TV show called New Girl. I loved the first season. However, by the second, I couldn’t figure out why I ever watched it all. 😁 I have no regrets though. I’m glad that season one of New Girl was there when I clearly needed it.


      2. I watched this show and I don’t think I’ve started 2nd season because I moved to another country and then my first son was born. I liked the quirkiness but I’m a bit shocked it got to have 7 seasons!

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  1. I liked Maleficent more – of the recent Disney villain origin stories – I felt Emma Stone was miscast, and combined with the writing – she wasn’t Evil enough. I def think I was distracted by my feelings going in, and during and didn’t notice the excellence in production you mention. Cinematography, costumes, etc. I also grew up watching the animated 101 Dalmatians, and also the live action 101 starring Glenn Close. And so I have this strong archetype of the character imprinted in my mind of how her personality should be, like Glenn Close. So I’m biased.


    1. I can totally see your point. That’s why recreating,rebooting or reimagining any beloved or established character is a dicey endeavor. There’s no way to please everyone and create a version that will fit the mold each fan of the past version or original envisioned for themselves. I’ve struggled with this particular Cruella precisely about the level of cruelty, but I accepted it’s possible she did not start that way but was rather molded by her negative experiences. I myself feel the country I live in for the past 10 years has unfortunately molded me into a person who cares a lot less about many things and strangers around me.

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      1. Our experiences do shape us certainly. What is it about your current country that has molded you particularly? I’ll bet managing a family and career at the same time means you do not have the luxury of caring as much. Cost of living seems to be increasing unbearably. I am feeling jaded about that here the U.S.


      2. Crime rate and the attitude of the homeless as well as incompetence of the government. But even more than that the government as well as most people not taking any responsibility for their own actions/inactions.

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